Black History Is Way Beyond Slavery, Revisionism And Racist Nerd Culture

Black History Is Way Beyond Slavery, Revisionism And Racist Nerd Culture

Black History Starting With Slavery Is Like Saying Hip Hop Started With 2Pac And Biggie

The whitewashing of Black history is obviously no accident. It has been intentional. Teaching people real history is dangerous.

Yes, we know this to be true because when school curriculums in the United States are designed to teach Black history, for the most part the Transatlantic slave trade is what they start with as if the story of black people began with slavery. When Black history is taught with slavery being the starting point, you know there is a problem.

The school system was not designed to create informed critical thinkers. The system wants to churn out mediocre people who know just enough to do the basics…obey, follow orders, work hard, live a little, and then die… rinse, recycle, repeat.

Systematic racism has been in the school system and academia. You have white (and non-white) scholars who participate in the academic racism, and then you have the white (and non-white) scholars who are brave enough to call out the BS.

There is a video where the commentator (white guy) showed clips of white scholars claiming that it was aliens that built the Pyramids in Egypt (or assisted in building them). Not Africans, but ALIENS. Yet, when it comes to white people’s structures, Stonehenge, for example, no aliens were present.

The commentator asked if aliens just happened to like black people and not like white people. Did the aliens not like white people enough to assist them??

Some of these people are in the business of convincing the world of “black inferiority.” It’s a joke at this point. There’s too much information out there, and people are finding out the truth.

Some of these scholars got some explaining to do ***Ricky Ricardo voice***. While they are quick to dismiss black landmark achievement on the sands of time, Africa as a society has never been inferior, and history bears a record to that. Africa has made its mark on history. Just as the US-led Anglo-zionist empire of chaos is making its mark in modern history, so were 7 influential African empires whose own scientific knowledge, economic power play, military, and religious escapades helped to shape the affairs of men for thousands of years.

But what have we today are a bunch of pompous racist historians who, in their warped beliefs, refuse to give credit to Africans, even for their developmental efforts. They see Africans as a primitive race incapable of making any meaningful impact.

Of course, these types of European writers wouldn’t give credit to Africans. It’s standard OP. To sell the idea of African inferiority, they wouldn’t attribute the building of African empires and civilizations to the Africans of those same empires and civilizations, because that makes too much sense. The facts must be undermined, so enter revisionist history.

We can tell that there is a concerted effort by suspected white supremacist historians to deny Africa its place in history’s hall of fame for its achievement and contribution to human civilization because, despite the glaring evidence available, they refuse to credit Africa for its own achievements. According to them, if it wasn’t the white man that did it, then the black man couldn’t have done it either.

That explains why many 19th century Europeans who visited the abandoned medieval city of Great Zimbabwe refused to accept the fact that indigenous Africans could have built and maintained such an extensive and mesmerizing network of monuments. Some European writers even suggested that the city was built probably by visiting Portuguese, Chinese, Arabs, or Persians. It wouldn’t being shocking if someone said that these writers were ignorant, racist, or brainwashed by their historians. Neither were they told that the same Europeans plundered the site’s remains in search of artifacts that were eventually stolen and sent to museums in Europe and America. Even though some informed British archaeologists have confirmed the truth regarding indigenous Africans’ scientific ability to create world-class structures/monuments like Great Zimbabwe, the attempt by some Europeans and American writers to show their inferiority complex when it comes to Afrikans is still ongoing, and we see this in the way they write our history. As long as they continue penning falsehoods about Black history, black intellectuals who aren’t professional ass-kissers will continue to expose them and tell the real truth about Black history.

There was black resistance before slavery when the colonizers stormed Africa to preach God with a Bible in one hand and a gun and a rope in the other. After the indigenous Africans were forcefully stolen from the main yard into the heart of America and beyond, the Black Panther spirit in them awakened. They resisted, revolted, with many of them paying the ultimate price for their survival and freedom—the same freedom we, their children, enjoy today. We shall continue to fight on, be free from any form of mental slavery, and resist any revisionist attempt by suspected white supremacists in academia who like to rewrite our history. Our forefathers did not stop until they got their freedom; we won’t stop either until they learn or accept that black history is way beyond slavery, just as hip hop preceded 2Pac and Biggie Smalls.

Who knows, maybe at some point, racists in the educational system may stop whitewashing Black history. Of course, when a white teacher tells his/her black students that they were bound for prison because of their clothes and that they aren’t true Christians if they don’t support Donald Trump; plus Martin Luther King Jr. committed suicide, you know it is an attempt to talk us down, to demonize us, dehumanize us and make us look inferior. This isn’t just racism but a glaring attempt to rewrite Black history.

But the truth is out, and we know better. There were Black people in ancient America before Columbus arrived. The evidence is so glaring, but in America, the school system is laden with distortions and half-truths about history in general, especially African history. Black people never started their careers in America as slaves but as masters of our own destiny. We built ships, had our own navigation system, and sailed thousands of miles across the high seas to trade with people in America, a fact Columbus confirmed from the natives around when he arrived. But the powers that be do not want you to know this truth. That is why you don’t find this information in a school curriculum that teaches a distorted and whitewashed version of history.

Also, historians have confirmed that even the famed Olmec civilization in South America originated from the African gene pool. Another glaring evidence that there was African presence in the Americas way before the slave trade era, but European and American writers/historians don’t want to admit it. All that they want us to see about black people are pictures of the enslaved, diseased, immoral, lawless, and uncivilized race.

We also know of Yasuke, a Mozambique who was the first black Japanese Samurai in world history. A man highly revered in ancient Japanese history. But you will never hear about him from European and American writers. This among many other reasons is why black people need to take the initiative to control our own narrative and provide real history.

White Supremacists With Political Power And Black Conservatives

As Dr. Claud Anderson noted, the thought of black people empowering themselves is a profound challenge to whites whose historically racist belief has nurtured the idea that blacks are and should be broken, powerless, poor, and primitive people. As long as they’re in a position of power, white supremacists will always look down on others. So it wasn’t much of a surprise when Tim Boyd, a Texas mayor, told residents desperate for heat and power supply that “Only the strong will survive,” following the deadly and record-breaking winter storm that left much of the state without power and drinking water. Of course, Boyd just demonstrated the sadistic mindset of the typical white supremacist that believe they’re more robust and are meant to survive while the rest can just starve and die.

The outcome is even more pathetic when these reprehensible politicians offer a taste of the same political power to black conservatives. For example, Austin Chenge, a 2022 GOP Gubernatorial hopeful for Michigan, said if elected, he would cancel Black History Month and replace it with an “American History Month.” That coming from a black politician is pathetic. Pandering to the 87% of Republicans who say “All lives matter” (a phrase formed by white supremacists to counter the Black Lives Matter movement and phraseology) as against 63% of Democrats who believe and support the voice of Black Lives Matter. Chenge is just playing the systematic racism card wielded and handed to him by the white supremacists’ conservative political platform within the Republican Party structure. The Dems have theirs too. It’s a divide and conquer tactic used by both parties, more like two sides of the same coin, and black people like Chenge aren’t ashamed to act dumb and play along.

It’s obvious that Austin Chenge was pandering to the MAGA crowd. Maybe he’ll be satisfied with whatever biscuit crumbs he may get flicked off the table.

And just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, here comes Larry Elder, another black conservative who condemned the demand for reparations by black people. He reasons that the biggest problem with black people is not taking advantage of opportunities. Let’s assume he is right for a second; does that make it wrong to demand reparations? Reparations that are not even close to compensating for the horrific and murderous experience our ancestors were subjected to for centuries? People like Elder are the reason the reparations bill has suffered defeat each time it was introduced in Congress. When you don’t value yourself as a black man and black people’s right to justice, why should anyone care?

Besides, what opportunities is he talking about? Elder should mention one economic, social or political opportunity available to black people that don’t have a suspected white supremacist overseeing the entire process, playing by racial rules. Is it admission into elite colleges? The poor and average black family can’t go there. The majority of black people that get in did so through student loans while the super-rich whites are busy bribing their children’s way in. Is it the justice system? Even the biblical blind Bathemos knows that a black man stands no chance in hell when it comes to getting justice compared to his white counterpart. Is it in economic empowerment? Lending companies prefer to give loans to white-owned businesses than black-owned businesses, even in cases where both have similar good/poor credit ratings. We could go on and on, but ultimately listening to folks like Elder is a waste of time.

When we listen to people like him and Candace Owens talk, it is clear that they are intelligent and can articulate data well. Still, a lot of their talking points really are about tokenism and black people simply being tolerated more within a system of racism/white supremacy. Racism isn’t just about “feelings.” It is systemic and systematic and meant to make sure that white people control all areas of people activity.

Just because black people can make more money and elevate in a company doesn’t mean there is “less racism.” It just means that black labor is beneficial to the white power structure and that black labor (that benefits said white power structure) is rewarded with “treats.”

Black conservatives make these talking points and parrot their white counterparts while being highly paid employees for major WHITE companies. Less racism? No. More like keeping the system of white supremacy dominant by adopting a more “progressive” packaging.

So, when Barack Obama said he could not pursue reparations while he was President due to white resistance, we believe he is just making up excuses for his failure to seriously step up and advocate for reparations.

We all know reparations would get “white resistance.” And we say, who cares??! Obama should of at least been for it and advocated for it, regardless of the unlikelihood of reparations being given.

Judas Is Still Alive, In A Black Community Near You

Watching Judas and the Black Messiah could make you think.

Yes, Bill O’Neal was 17 when he got jammed up by the Feds, but that doesn’t excuse him as a snitch. He chose a life of crime.

It’s simple; if you’re not “about that life,” then don’t act like you are. If you engage in a life of crime, then do the time. Don’t bring other people down along with you.

Weak links always get exploited and extorted. The system knows who to get. They know which black person to get a hold of who will sell other black people out.

This goes beyond Fred Hampton and the Black Panther Party. Someone was planted in the NOI also to get Malcolm X. In slavery days; house negroes got Meritorious Manumissions for ratting out other black people on the plantation. This is an age-old tactic to stop resistance/rebellion. It still goes on to this day. There are snitches at jobs who tell on black people all the time, and the snitch is black. These are your typical professional ass-kissers.

Judas never died. There are Judases all over. History repeats itself. As a black man (and black woman) in America, you have to know who to have around and who not to. Be stingy with who you trust. Value your time more and do more demanding background checks on people.

Black Escapism Seeking White Supremacist Nerd Validation Is Pointless

Creativity is a functional attribute of the human mind, but there are those, and there will always be those who think they only are born to be creative, and no other race matters. So, each time we see black people looking to appeal to their white counterparts and seeking their validation, especially when they’re involved in activities created by whites, it is clear that it’s a waste of time.

This is America; if it took centuries of perseverance for our ancestors to get through physical slavery, it would take another two or three centuries to break the racist white person from the “white superiority” mentality inculcated in their psyche through formal and informal education. As long as America’s academic, economic, social, and political consciousness and well-being as a nation are rigged and operated along racial lines, black people will always be treated as inferior to white people. The sooner you know this, the better.

We think the black people in the Cosplay community should have known this already. Those black cosplayers calling for change in the community—for more love and less hate are doing an excellent job of speaking out. In short, this was a good read; HOWEVER, what black nerds fail to realize is, while there’s nothing wrong with being a fan of cartoons, comics, anime, etc., A LOT of the mainstream content was not created by black people. Or, for the most part, the content is not put out by companies started by black people. So, the hate they get for cosplaying as popular (white) characters should be no surprise.

Black cosplay will never be entirely accepted, especially if you’re a black person dressing up as a white character. Black cosplayers wanting to dress up isn’t bad in and of itself, but it is a form of validation seeking on the flip side. These individuals are better off starting their own company and creating their own characters to dress up, as they want.

The average white racist will never be comfortable having black people competing against them. If it isn’t them getting the limelight, then no one should. It’s either that or they just don’t think it’s a black person’s place to exhibit an IQ outside of scoreboards and speak out against the status quo. That is why somebody like Zlatan Ibrahimovich finds it uncomfortable for LeBron James to air their political and social views. The AC Milan forward telling LeBron James to mind his business and stay out of politics may sound like a genuine piece of advice, but the truth is Ibrahimovich has a record of attacking successful black athletes. His latest racial spat with Romelu Lukaku of Inter Milan is well documented, so he’s not fooling anyone.

Him poking his suspected white supremacist nose into LeBron James’ affairs is more “shut up and dribble” rhetoric. If LeBron James were white, we’re pretty sure no one would tell him to shut up. The same person who told LeBron to “shut up and dribble” said Drew Brees is entitled to an opinion.

Remember that Black history is way beyond slavery and all the revisionist bullshit that some “historians” want you to believe. We know the truth and anyone who is committed to real history knows the truth also.

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