Barack Obama, Black Misleadership And White Liberal Ass-Kissing

Barack Obama, Black Misleadership And White Liberal Ass-Kissing

Racist People Act Dumb About Racism And Some Black People Act Dumb Along With Them

There are black people trying to explain racism and explain their experiences to white people on (and off) social media. Listen, they get it. Just know and trust the fact that they get it.

A lot of these people aren’t actually dumb. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing put it best. For racism to thrive, there has to be denial. Everyone on the planet knows that racism exists and is a problem. A lot of people just choose to act dumb about it.

Some black people really want white people’s attention. They want it so bad that when they do get a chance to sit a white person down, they are pleased to be the one teaching instead of the other way around. It’s pointless because white people understand racism. They don’t need any explanations for it.

It’s a waste of time to keep explaining and regurgitating what Black Lives Matter means. They know.

White supremacy isn’t simply the KKK and Confederate flags and statues. White supremacy is a religion. White supremacy is an ideology. It’s not just white people who practice the religion; other races practice and subscribe to it also. Some black people subscribe to white supremacy too. It’s happening everyday, right now, right as we speak.

Tariq Nasheed’s documentary “Hidden Colors 4: The Religion of White Supremacy” breaks down how exactly white supremacy is a religion.

Some people might seem sincere in wanting to end racism, but do they really want to end it? Most likely not. Because ending it would end the status quo. If you’re a person who benefits from said status quo, why would you want to end it?

Something to think about, folks.

Melanated Trojan Horses And Their Racist White Liberal Partners In Crime

When Malcolm X talked about white liberals and conservatives, he was probably talking about Joe Biden and his ilk. White liberals and conservatives are as real as HIV/AIDS. They don’t give a damn about the lives and conditions of black people. They’ll take the knee and chant “I can’t breathe” in feigned solidarity with black people for George Floyd, so long as they’d get the black people who vote along sympathy lines against practicality. But what is worse is the presence of the “black” Trojan horses aiding and abetting their racist white liberal partners in crime.

When you have people who are ashamed of their race, people who feel and think they can’t succeed as blacks without white validation, the coming of Trojan horses is not far behind. You can see that in the Black Lives Matter Movement, which is heavily supported by white liberals. Yes, a group with noble intentions littered with handpicked puppets of the covert racist elites. Now you know why liberals hate talking about Malcolm X. What Malcolm said in the video addressing white liberals and conservatives is exactly what is happening today—word for word. Unfortunately, people still do not realize it or are just doing what they usually do; acting dumb. There is nothing across the western hemisphere that is more dangerous than the white liberal. But what have we today? With their Trojan horses’ help, they scoop the black vote despite whoever might be the racist candidate on the ticket. Malcolm X was prophetic…and he wasn’t alone.

Martin Luther King Jr. also pointed out the ‘polite’ racism of white liberals. They will support civil rights activism (like BLM, for example) but kick and scream against its tactics and demands. They will denounce discrimination elsewhere but quickly and firmly explain away all forms of prejudices behind the scenes. Yes, the likes of BidenButtigieg and Mike Bloomberg have all at one time presided over horrific law enforcement policies that perpetuated unprecedented racial injustice. During the elections, they all offered shameless apologies (all for the black vote), but none has taken concrete actions to correct the harm that they caused. Notwithstanding, they succeeded in getting the much-needed black vote, thanks to their melanated trojan horses doing their biddings like plantation mammies and bucks.

People like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris are trojan horses. They are Manchurian candidates. They’re not here for black progress. They’re here to uphold the system of white supremacy. The candidacy of both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris defines the diversified faces of U.S. Imperialism.

The Barack Obamas and Kamala Harris’ of the world are simply “black” faces that help to uphold white supremacy. Outside of symbolism and trickle-down politics, they won’t do anything specific to enormously help black people. They’re black supervisors for the system of white supremacy. Martin Luther King Jr. saw through people like them and refused to pitch tent with them or collaborate with the evils of capitalism and its endless, predatory wars; the same group, the black misleadership class of today, is happy to serve.

They provide hope and blind optimism to a struggling underclass. Along with the racist white liberals they roll with, they are invested in keeping a specific group of people an underclass while making sure others stay on top. Talk about class struggle and civilization from the viewpoints of Lenin and DuBois.

The Democrats and Republicans play “Good Cop, Bad Cop.” While Donald Trump has emboldened loud and barbaric white supremacy, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have emboldened the covert and systemic wing of white supremacy. They both led long careers based on black failure. Joe Biden, the architect of the prison industrial complex — the ’94 Crime Bill aka “Biden’s Law” — wants to give more money to the police. Not defund but give more money… because you know, they’ll “respond to pressure”…

Obama blaming rap music for Trump’s rise in popularity among blacks during the elections was neatly packaged in hints of stupidity along with white liberalism pandering. This was said and packaged in a way that would only come from Obama. Sounds politically correct, but it’s off. This is basically saying that black men are one-dimensional beings who only care about “the bling, the women, and the money.” Let’s not look at other factors that would make black men say F the Democratic Party. Let’s go with the “black men are materialistic and misogynistic” argument. It just shows how willing he is as a puppet seeking to further the course of white liberalism against white conservatives—two different ideologies at a glance when it comes to superiority but united in policies against black people.

Obama couldn’t even hide his role as a Trojan horse during his interview on the Breakfast Club. Specific things were done to harm black people (something he agreed with and acknowledged)…so specific things need to be done to correct the damage. Shockingly (or not so shockingly), the former President replied with an All Lives Matter type of answer. In other words, black people have no right to claim specific demands for justice as much as white people are not making similar claims. If this isn’t a typical Trojan horse and willing puppet at work, then what is?

Obama said black wealth grew during his Presidency. Yes and no.

While the economic situation during his presidency was far better for black people than what it is today, Obama’s administration did not grow the black dollar. The wealth gap between an average white American family and an average black family is still ten times different, and the disparity keeps getting worse. In short, the decline of black wealth started from 2007 to 2013, with a 43% decline. That’s during Obama’s time as President. Today, black workers are still earning way less than white workers, the same as during Obama’s time. The only good thing about the Obama administration is that black people’s unemployment rate started falling during his time. Still, none of it changed or affected the vast wealth disparity between white and black families.

It’s high time the black community starts ignoring shameless White House Negroes like Obama, along with Kamala Harris, who doesn’t hesitate to pander to white liberal racism. When you see melanated trojan horses like Obama swimming in the red sea of white liberalism, embracing the post-racial warped delusion that there is no black or white American, but the United States…even when hate crimes are at an all-time high according to FBI data…you know it’s time to stop giving them recognition. Instead, denounce them and allow them to drown in their political red sea of irrelevance.

Let’s not forget. America has officially admitted being a police state with arbitrary powers to arrest and detain anyone without charges or trial, courtesy of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) signed into law by former President Barack Obama. Of course, it makes more sense why he had to pander to the powers that drafted the bill because we know their primary target…the big bad black man—even though they make it look like they’re targeting foreigners on U.S. soil. If that could happen in Obama’s time, what’s lying in store for the rest of humanity when Jim Crow Joe and Top Cop Kamala finally take the reins on January 20th. Like it or not, Biden’s presidential win is only a win for cops, corporations, big banks, war profiteers, and casual racists in general, but a colossal loss for the people and the planet as a whole. 2020 will go down as a significant loss for black people. Those who are expecting miracles from Biden and Harris will drown in the sea of illusion. Hopefully they have a lifejacket. Black people will get nothing but empty racial justice rhetoric and a full dose of racial injustice from Biden’s administration.

Black Misleadership And How It Aids And Abets The System Of White Supremacy

The exploits of white supremacy today is primarily down to the poor and arrogant leadership of so-called black leaders. In all the eight years he spent in the office, Obama never for once addressed racism as a serious issue. Each time he is confronted with the question, he ducks like he’s playing dodgeball. He wasted no time in tossing his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, under the political wagon of white opinion after the preacher condemned racism in America. These sorts of leadership qualities only embody the evils of racism and make white supremacy perpetrators develop more impetus for recidivism against black people.

But we are not surprised about this sort of low leadership class. Just as the house negroes were groomed to rebel against their own kind, so were these black leaders groomed and handpicked by the racist elite to further their crime against the black race. Besides, it is a necessary evil of capitalism. It is the same system that was used by the Europeans (particularly the British Policy of Divide and Rule and the French Policy of Assimilation/Association) to perplex and underdevelop Africa. Guyanese Historian Walter Rodney didn’t mince words when he wrote about this.

So, we are not surprised to see T.I., Killer Mike and other black celebrities joining up with other Trojan horses within the black misleadership class. The white supremacists know that blacks everywhere are waking up, so they are hell-bent on stratifying our race by getting the leaders to act as a buffer between them and the target black populace. Therefore, it’s clear we can no longer rely on celebrities and black politicians to lead us out of America’s social, economic and political land. Influential leaders like Killer Mike and T.I., with millions of followers, were quick to appease black rage in the wake of Floyd’s gruesome murder. Mike referred to the city of Atlanta as ‘our own home,’ pleading with blacks not to burn down the city. But what he doesn’t know is that although Atlanta was built on the sweat of the ancestors for free, the city is one of the worst in America with the lowest ranking for black home ownership, despite blacks constituting 33% of the city’s population.

The properties that T.I. and Killer Mike were seeking to protect did not belong to black people. But, they wasted no time to pander towards white interest. What we need now is not just getting black people in a position of power to make decisions. We already have that, and it hasn’t been working. Obama and many more were complete failures. The black misleadership class, in conjunction with both capitalist parties, intentionally plays the racial politics game to obscure and cover problems of class and poverty. The black community needs black leaders who are in positions of power to make decisions and whose personal interests will not run contrary to black people’s legitimate interests in general.

We must learn that people only progress through struggles and triumph and learning to struggle alone without leaning on white liberals and conservatives. Otherwise, our quest will continue to be derailed by covert racists. As Malcolm X once said, we will never attain true freedom and ascend to Black Power as long as we have this current black misleadership.

We are not ignorant of the ruling elite’s all-out war on truth using the mainstream media. It’s time we convert protest into wrestling power away from the black misleadership class and the white liberals who are willing to flick crumbs off the table. This includes the local black leaders in Baltimore. They collaborated with Trump to defend white power. That should be no surprise to anyone who isn’t naïve and understands how power works. It’s time we become more vocal and be open with the truth like Devyn Springer. The truth might be ugly for many, but it needs to be exposed in order to seriously deal with these problems and create solutions that are really transformative.

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