5 Reasons Why Indie Artists Should Invest In Their Own Music Blog

5 Reasons Why Indie Artists Should Invest In Their Own Music Blog

It’s time to end the “starving indie artist” tag and be serious with our hustle as indie artists. Enough with the nonsense that if you’re an independent artist not signed to some famous major music label, you’re probably going to be broke. One of the many reasons for this prevailing misconception is because indie musicians are not investing in their own indie music blogs. Oh, ‘I don’t have the time,’ but let’s be real; you can outsource the task of creating content on your music blog while you focus on other more pressing things. Here is why you should invest in your own blog as part of your indie music marketing and indie music artist branding.


1.) You Can Tell Your Own Story

Many people are interested in the stories going on in indie music artists’ lives and don’t always blindly believe the information on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. An indie music website may contain some information about the artists, but only a blog owned by an indie music artist is the best place for fans’ to get genuine content. Storytelling can make your life meaningful, especially when it comes to explaining why certain events happened. Your supporters will have the opportunity to investigate what happened to you and what happened through you. You begin to understand who you are, and people will gradually understand your real identity. You will have the opportunity to give your information like; I will be marketing my music at a specific date, and I will produce my music video soon. Those are just examples of ways to make your supporters believe in you. Telling one’s own story can bring incredible healing effects, and this music marketing strategy can often increase confidence and understanding between the artist and the fans. People will appreciate your personality more than ever. If you take the time to craft your story, your blog will help you spread the message to those in need—especially those who want you to tell stories; especially stories that they can relate to. If you’re going to influence others, you need to tell your story through your own blog.

2.) It Is A Marketing Tool That Enhances Your Brand

Numerous indie blogs promote indie music, but only a few promote the indie music artist. Different artists in the industry have their brand, and it is different from how other people in the industry do theirs. Your blog will help you promote your style and services to people who are not aware of your brand. A personal blog will help market you as an artist as it will contain contents that are mainly relating to you, unlike viewing highly competitive media like Indie music websites. This is when blogs become useful. It helps in the multimedia presentation of your personality, preserves the public’s interest, and promotes your brand. Your own blog will help promote your interviews, videos, podcasts, and other content on your blog.

3.) It Helps To Build A Relationship With Your Audience

The majority of people out there are interested in the beautiful images and creativity they can get from your blog as they will like to give their comments and views about what they think of your progress in the industry. Besides being a tool for indie music marketing, your blog needs to be handled by a competent website builder and the best graphic designer to help you engage your fans, making them feel like they belong when they visit your blog. You can use your blog to create a relationship with your audience as a music marketing strategy. This is a method of attracting and expanding your customer base through high-quality artist branding as an independent artist. The blog is the cheapest brand-building platform for a music artist and you get your fans opinions and feedback.

4.) You Can Make Money With A Blog That Is Monetized

There are many ways to earn with a blog. Explore different social media marketing for music artists and online income models and popular indie music marketing strategies to make money from your blog. You can earn from your blog as you increase in your fame and promote your music. There are different online business models to make money from your blog, and they include:

  • Subscriptions – people subscribed to an exclusive service you’re offering
  • Motivations – people pay for your skillful and inspiring speech and coaching experience
  • Ads – run ads on behalf of businesses on your blog and earn from every sale made
  • Affiliate marketing – sell products on your blog and get a commission when someone buys

5.) You Can Create Opportunities For Yourself And Others

As the opportunity arises, seize it with confidence, different brands will approach you to promote their goods on your page, and you can earn more income from this and it won’t only be limited to music marketing. Prepare and cultivate a series of social networking activities for artists, social networking for business, Facebook networking for artists, Twitter marketing, and always be open to social networking tips using the available social networking tools. The preparations you have done will let you know if the opportunity is right for you. You can make wise decisions based on your confidence, skills, and self-knowledge. Give yourself strength and make sure that you make the best decisions that you can. Use these techniques to create opportunities that match you and what you need to do to promote your music and promote new indie music artists.

In conclusion, if you’re serious about your craft and serious about getting your music out in front of a wider audience, you will invest in whatever is necessary to do that. Investing in your website in the form of a blog would be a crucial investment. No serious artist is in today’s day and age will just depend solely on social media. Social media is important, but it needs to be an added bonus to your own platform. Having your own blog not only legitimizes your brand, but it gives you more credibility.

If you feel that you’re not web savvy enough to build your own site, fear not; we provide web design services among other services to help you get started. As we’ve stated in the beginning, you can outsource your work to professionals, so you can focus on your craft. There are so many options available to help you push your brand forward. Remember to think positive, be patient, and most importantly, enjoy the process!


5 Reasons Why Indie Artists Should Invest In Their Own Music Blog

Do you have a great idea for a blog, but lack the writing experience to make it “pop”? Are you struggling to keep up with articles/blogs, and worried about losing traffic as a result? Do you wish someone else could help you with the hardest part - the WRITING? If these are questions you have, then you've come to the right place.