Top 10 Personality Traits Of The Closet Racist AKA The Sleeper Cell

Top 10 Personality Traits Of The Closet Racist AKA The Sleeper Cell

The Almighty God’s Creative Genius When It Comes To Race

“In a time of war and global deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act” – George Orwell.

Yes, it is war because, although God created all men equal irrespective of color, stature, and geographical location, some believe they were created superior while the others are just inferior. In Galatians 3:28, the Really Powerful Invisible Man above us declared His express will and perceptions regarding man and color, but here in America, a country built on racism, God doesn’t know what He was talking about, so it seems to the warped and delusional mind of the overt and covert racists.

America is one hell of an ironic country. It is ironic in that, America proclaims itself as the land of the free—where “all men” (according to the Declaration of Independence) are created equal, but in practice, some are more equal than others.

Here, government officials can easily condemn countries like Russia and China for their human rights records while boasting about America’s “Democratic” way of life, but none of them takes to the street or rant angrily on Twitter and threaten World War 3 when cops murder black people in cold blood.

The U.S. social, economic, and political spectrum are laden with closet racists, also known as “sleeper cells” or “covert racists.” The terms “suspected white supremacist” or “racist suspect” could be used also. Now you are wondering what the hell is a closet racist/sleeper cell? Well, let’s find out below.

What Is A Closet Racist/Sleeper Cell?

Closet racism is a disguised form of racial discrimination. It is subtle, cleverly operated and hidden from the glaring view of the public eye. A closet racist will never admit they are racist, and will vehemently deny it when confronted. They cloak their discriminatory activities using evasive or sometimes passive (aggressive) methods.

Closet racists are the most dangerous form of racists because most times, they act from the comfort of legitimacy (that is, for those within the four walls of public services and government-sanctioned establishments) as recognized by the fabric of society. Thus, when acts predicated on racism are committed by the agents of such establishments, very little or nothing is done to the culprits involved, and the victims are left to suffer unjustly. This is so because these establishments’ functions under an equally racist system that empowers people of the oppressor class to continue their act of wickedness while diminishing the power and rights of the oppressed. From the police department to the justice system, from healthcare and down to the education sectors — closet racism reigns supreme, and because they thrive on legitimacy, it becomes difficult or awkward to label their conducts as racist, officially.

Thus, it is perfect to call them “the sleeper cell,” a group of racial terrorists and KKK-inspired operatives working as agents of government and in private establishments waiting for the opportunity to act. They are the ones in the police departments that shoots and kills unarmed black men and black women and make claims that they “feared for their lives.” And when they go to court, their fellow closet racists that make up the juror system finds them “not guilty,” and off they go, scott-free. Make no mistake about it; there are millions of private citizens who are closet racists that don’t work in government or public establishments. They may hide their racist nature, but when enough pressure is applied, time will eventually expose these people’s true colors.

Believe it or not; sleeper cells walk amongst us all day, every day. It’s only a matter of time before these people reveal their true selves. There’s a famous saying that “adversity reveals character.” We believe this is a true statement. Certain situations/circumstances put enough pressure on people to the point where they reveal who they are. When they do, they’re at a point of no return. The sleeper cell a.k.a the closet racist is the covert racist of society. They do not wear a white hood anymore. They wear plain clothes. They’re your next-door neighbor, your coworker, the person next to you in line at the grocery store and anywhere else out in the open amongst civilization.

The threat of the sleeper cell, the closet racist, is real, and here are 10 personality traits by which you can identify them.

The 10 Definitive Traits Of A Closet Racist

1.    Not Colorblind

One stupid but equally intelligent defense put forward by closet racists is the claim that they cannot see or do not recognize color.

White people are indeed not “colorblind” because they can easily single out a non-white person in a crowd. The ones who claim they are “colorblind” or that they “don’t see color” do that to avoid a serious discussion about race.

People can argue in favor of colorblindness because on the surface; it seems like a beautiful thing. It presupposes that the best way to remedy racial discrimination is to stop relating with people on the basis of color. Unfortunately, America is not a colorblind nation. Besides, colorblindness is not enough to heal decades of racial wounds on a personal and national level. Again, it rests on the idea that it is an equal level playing field, which it is not. The attempt to be blind to color is in itself racism. Yes, people who claim to be colorblind can easily ignore issues of racism that involves them or happens around them. Color blindness gives birth to a society that abandons their cultural heritage, invalidates their original perspectives, and causes them to deny their negative racial experiences.

When people refuse to admit color publicly, they tend to ignore the occurrence of persistent discrimination. It is clear, colorblindness is actually counterproductive. Worst of all, it is a modern ideological theory of racism that suspected white supremacists use in concealing their true racist nature. It is stealthy and highly institutionalized.

2.    Think They’re Smarter/Better

Another identifier trait of the closet racist is thinking they are smarter than everyone else. That is the hallmark of every racist/white supremacist. They believe that, when it comes to the IQ, white people have a higher IQ than black people. It was this type of racist reasoning that prompted Dr. James Watson to say that black people are genetically less intelligent compared to white people. The scientist who won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for discovering the double helix structure of the human DNA came under fire for making questionable claims that lack any basis in science. Watson thought he was smart, but he was called out for his reckless remarks. Watson is a molecular biologist, not a neuroscientist. So it wasn’t much of a surprise when all of Watson’s honorary awards were stripped from him for making unfounded and reprehensible comments.

Many suspected white supremacists will bring up the IQ test to posit that white people are genetically more intelligent than black people and other races. That is where the idea of white supremacist evolved. They often cite the excuse that various IQ studies from all over the world suggest that white-populated countries perform best on all IQ tests. But is it true that white people have higher intelligence than other races?

Well, while many scientists claim that intelligence is genetic; it doesn’t presuppose that white people have a higher IQ. There are IQ tests that reveal Asian countries have the highest score on IQ tests. Besides, real scientists don’t rely on the outcome of these studies because almost every one of those studies admits that the resulted IQs from most of the countries involved are just estimates or derived from a tiny sample.

And bang… the IQ test is all a myth and racist because the findings from the same studies also reveal a clear correlation between health and IQ, between GDP and IQ, educational access and IQ, wealth and IQ, infectious diseases and IQ, and so on. It is a globally known and acceptable fact that people with enough money, good quality healthcare, and better living standards and opportunities come out better in IQ tests.

Unfortunately, closet racists act like they don’t know these things, and they go on thinking they are smarter and superior.

This sort of diabolical thinking remind us of the eugenics movement that has been the workings of racists/white supremacists since the 1930s and 1940s. It is a racist ideology that propagates the extermination of humans classified as unfit to live. In its raw form, western eugenics saw the killings of millions of people by Adolf Hitler, and while it is no longer as pronounced as it was prior to the Second World War, many people in the 21st century (particularly in America) still covertly harbor eugenics ideologies.

Here in America, eugenic ideologies still flourish, albeit in covert form. It is the ideology that drives the abortion industry where black communities are disproportionally targeted by abortion companies. Billboards with devilish signs like “abortion is a blessing,” “abortion is a nice family value, ” and more, appears in predominantly black communities/cities, targeting black women and their babies. But when you go to areas where white people are predominant, you will hardly find such billboards. Eugenic ideology has always gained widespread individual and institutional support even from people you would never have believed supported the movement. So it isn’t surprising that similar things are happening all over again but in a subtle and more devastating form. The numbers of black children killed in this country every day, coupled with the biased testing of students of color from grade school to college, is a subtle but equally devastating reincarnation of eugenics in the Hitler era.

We can’t forget to mention this article called “The top 12 People with the Highest IQs in the world.” It’s interesting how anyone can boldly handpick the most intelligent people in the as if they know every single person on the planet. We wonder who created this list and why we should go off the opinion of someone who doesn’t know the rest of the world’s population. The lack of people of color on this list says a lot too. Does it mean that out of the more than half a billion people of color on the planet, only one has a notable IQ? But what else do you expect when you have people who think they are smarter than everyone.

Closet racists think everyone who isn’t them are stupid. They feel that they can elevate themselves to a position where they can propagate through mass media who the most intelligent people in the world are.

Do you remember the debate between Dr. Frances Cress Welsing and Dr. William Shockley? It was legendary. Just chalking this up to “good vs. evil” might be an oversimplification of how to view this debate, but let’s be real, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing came strong on this one. The discussion also showed how much of a suspected white supremacist Dr. William Shockley was, and today, the story isn’t different. We still have a lot of William Shockley’s out there.

A closet racist always thinks they are smarter and better than all other races, but in reality, they are delusional and aren’t fooling anyone but themselves.

3.   Not About Fair Competition

One of the cardinal norms of economics is that competition fosters efficiency, but not for the closet racist. The majority of them don’t want to compete and find it difficult to compete on an even playing field. So they use their white privilege to cheat, steal, and to destroy that which they cannot win against in fair competition. If they have power, wealth and resources, they will utilize those advantages to rig the playing field also.

They use institutions, laws, and other practices to impede the progress of black people who want a fair shot.

Slavery, the Black Codes, convict leasing, the destruction of Black Wall Street, Jim Crow, Redlining, Mass Incarceration, etc. were all ways of impeding the progress of black people. Black people are unable to compete economically because they’ve always had obstacles put in front of them in order to prevent them from effectively competing.

Just recently, the educational industry was thrown into a damning college admission scandal. The FBI investigated and revealed that many white parents cut corners and used all sorts of dubious means to get their kids into elite colleges in the United States. It was a practice that has been going on for years—functioning under a covert racist system that was created to offer an unfair advantage to white, upper-class students.

So, when Neely Fuller, Jr. and Dr. Frances Cress Welsing spoke on how white people control/dominate nine areas of people activity, they were right on point. The 9 Areas of People Activity are:

(1) Economics,

(2) Education,

(3) Entertainment,

(4) Labor,

(5) Law,

(6) Politics,

(7) Religion,

(8) Sex and

(9) War/Counter-war.

The college admissions scandal that exposes how parents were buying their kids admissions into elite schools indicates that closet racists/suspected white supremacists are not about fair competition. But they were able to cheat and succeed because the system was designed in a way that wealthy white students were favored and almost exclusively dominated elite schools for hundreds of years. These folks benefited from admission criteria like family donationslegacy status, family history/background, athletic recruiting, and more. These are policies that allow elite schools like Yale, Harvard, and Princeton, to (covertly) exclude applicants based on religion and race, and also screen out students with low-income.

These same unfair practices are present in all other aspects of people activity as listed by Neely Fuller, Jr. and Dr. Welsing.

4.    Narcissistic

One of the worst attributes of the closet racist is their unpardonable level of narcissism. It is a personality disorder that grows with every closet racist as a result of lack of or too much attention given to them during childhood. They always love to put others at an emotional disadvantage. That is precisely what Ralph Northam, the governor of Virginia State, did when he used euphemism to minimize the historical horrors of slavery. By having a picture of “blackface” on his school yearbook and later on in life using the term “indentured servant,” Ralph was practically trying to erase the horrors and pains of slavery, and make it look as if it is harmless for white people to wear blackface. This among other things is what a closet racist with narcissistic behavior is famous for doing.

The narcissistic characteristics/tendencies are visible in the political and personal life of Donald Trump. If he were to be accused of obnoxious display of grandiosity and unwavering disagreeableness, it would be hard to disagree.

Believe it or nota closet racist encompasses all signs of being a narcissist as the author of this article aptly put it.

  • False humility – they try to act like they’re humble and care about the harmful effects of racism, but they don’t.
  • Lack of empathy – their lack of understanding shows in their (in)action when it comes to dismantling institutions that practice racism.
  • Immature responses – when racism is called out/spoken about, their counter-response is that “black people are racist too,” or they accuse black people of “reverse racism.”
  • Simplification of others’ needs – they downplay the needs of anyone who isn’t white and doesn’t subscribe to a white person’s solution/way of addressing their needs. They believe they know what’s best for others. If something isn’t provided or prescribed by a white professional, then it must not be “right.”
  • Unable to listen – it’s not that they are unable to listen; it’s more so that they don’t want to listen. They simply don’t want to talk about racism/white supremacy because it doesn’t affect them. They’d rather have a one-sided conversation where they remain in control of said conversation and provide the solutions they deem fit, instead of listening to the non-white person’s point of view/ideas.

5.   Raise Their Kids To Be Racist

The typical closet racist appears innocent on the surface, but deep down, they have disdain for anything black in such a way that they pass the disdain down to their children. They don’t want their kids getting involved with black people. They teach their kids’ revisionist history, anything that promotes white supremacy/”white superiority.”

Most closet racist inculcates racism into their children in various ways. Some by whitewashing or diminishing aspects of history, making their children feel prejudice or racism no longer exists. So when the kids grow up, they find it easy to perpetuate acts of racism. Other closet racists chose to say one thing to their children but do something different, forgetting that children learn faster and better by studying and copying what adults do. Kids take notes and draw their own conclusion that black people are a threat to their safety. These are some of the ways racist parents transfers racism to their children. If you doubt it, here are three kids who tell their stories and openly rejected their parent’s racist ideology. Other kids who feel the impact of their parent’s racial ideology on them also spoke out about the menace as well.

6.   Deflection

When you come across a person whining bitterly and blaming people in bad shape for their problem(s), you know you have a closet racist who has lost his/her cool.

Deflection is an intelligent but equally stupid tactic that racists use to shift the spotlight from their personality. They try to turn the tables and play victim by using projection such as “Black people are racist too!”

It would have been funny if not serious how Sean Hannity lost his cool and lashed out at Dr. Khalid Muhammed, calling him a “racist/bigot,” during live coverage. That is just one of the examples of how closet racists use deflection to save face when they come under fire.

And they seem to be upping their game.

They have coined foolish terms such as “reverse racism” even though there is no such thing as reverse racism. But make no mistake about it, deflection as a tactic isn’t just down to some few racist individuals. Many corporate entities have tried their best to rewrite the history books of racism by labeling black people as racist or discrediting black anti-racist movements.

For instance, FOX News restarted their “Black-on-Black Crime” TV discussion show in an attempt to dismiss the Black Live Matters movement that was making an impact. Within a short time of reviving the show, the suspected white supremacists infamously speaks on “black-on-black crime” to deflect from any mentions of racism/white supremacy. When you get a chance, you can read how Fox news uses deflection to brainwash its viewers.

7.    Manipulative

The average closet racist is highly manipulative. It makes sense since their racism is covert; deception is a trademark.

To manipulate the people around them and cloak their racist ideology, closet racists often engage in “tokenism.” They hire one or a few people of color to prevent them from being criticized and give a false appearance of equal treatment. That is how closet racists use tokenism to manipulate people around them. Even the movie industry manage people by using tokenism.

They are quick to claim to have a “black friend” or usually refer to the black employee that works for their white-owned company. That is precisely what Donald Trump and Bill O’ Reilly have done in the past (and probably still do).

“I don’t know any racists. I don’t know anybody, on either black or white people, who don’t like, like our staff here is integrated, and my assistant is black, she’s been with me for 25 years. I never see this,” says Bill O’ Reilly.

When it comes to racism, closet racists purposefully act dumb. Simply having a black friend or black co-worker on your payroll doesn’t mean you’re not a racist. It just means you know how to tolerate black people. We all have friends of different races, but we take them in based on the content of their character and don’t parade them about like trophies or pets. You don’t get points for having a black person around just to fool people into not believing you’re a racist. When accused of being racist, people who are similar to Donald Trump and Bill O’ Reilly feel it is necessary to point out the black person closest to them in order to manipulate the masses who might be dumb enough to believe them.

8.   Arrogant

You cannot beat a closet racist when it comes down to pompousness and arrogance. Their fiat is basically “I’m white and I say so.” If something or someone isn’t white approved, it can’t be taken seriously.

Sean Hannity of Fox News convened with an all-white panel to discuss Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the Whitehouse Press Secretary who denounced a black ESPN host from the podium at the White House. As if that isn’t enough, Hannity went on to defend the President by saying, “we are not racist.” Is Hannity employed by FOX News to defend the President when caught in racial discrimination? Inquiring minds would like to know.

During the debate on whether descendants of slaves should be given reparations, another racist suspect from FOX News, Laura Ingraham spoke like a true colonizer when she boldly said “there is no reparation after conquest.” Conquest huh? What else could be more arrogant than that?

It is a similar form of arrogance that killed lots of Africans during the slave era, and still covertly killing many black people today.

9.   Dishonest

When it comes to someone who is manipulative, arrogant and dishonest, we’ve only touched on some of the things that personify a closet racist.

They say things like “I’m not a racist” or “I’m not trying to sound racist but…” Anyone who uses a qualifier to open a statement saying, “I’m not a racist,” is 99.9% certain to say something everyone with common sense will interpret as racist. Don’t be surprised to hear something along the lines of “they don’t think intelligently,” or “why are so many of them in prison” whenever they want to passive aggressively talk down on black people.

Notwithstanding, it is easy to spot a typical racist, no matter how covert they are. As stated before, they don’t accept black people; they just tolerate them. While closet racism is extremely rampant, overt racism is still very much around. You can count on someone like Donald Trump to speak his mind while emboldening his audience to exhibit some overtness. Here is his unenviable history of racism.

A closet racist’s dishonesty gives them the quality of being pretentious. They pretend to be innocent when they make racist statements. A closet racist will make a racist comment and then when confronted about it, they’ll act dumb and play the victim. That is what Megyn Kelly of NBC did after she was called out for saying that blackface is acceptable as a Halloween costume. And guess what: following the backlash, she played the victim by hiring a lawyer. This woman has a history of racist moments, so when people say she is a racist; it might not be just mere accusations. Maybe she had a blonde moment when blackface came up and she didn’t see a problem with it but knowing how dishonest closet racists can be, she most likely knew better.


One of the many micro-aggressions is condescending behavior. When someone that breathe the same air as you thinks they are more important and more intelligent or superior to you, you know you are dealing with someone who is really condescending.

Condescending has long been one of the most visible traits of overt and covert racists. They think they are more intelligent, but when they condescend to the level of micro-aggression, using foul language and making illogical statements, their childishness and unintelligent reasoning become very apparent.

You’re probably already familiar with Don Imus, one of America’s most prominent broadcasters who destroyed his career in one day. Imus racially abused members of the Rutgers basketball team, calling them “nappy-headed hoes.” From that minute, all his program sponsors pulled out one after the other and CBS did what they had to do and fired him.

Lesson learned: when a high profiled figure condescends by using derogatory racial slurs, the consequences can be dire. But the typical closet racist will keep on keeping on.

And here comes another one from the closet–Ron De Santis–who was running against Andrew Gillum for Florida’s gubernatorial seat. He started his general campaign by telling party faithful “don’t monkey this up,” a conspicuous statement targeting his black opponent. Well, that is how much someone seeking public office can condescend to while thinking what he said wasn’t a big deal.

And just when you think you’ve seen it all, here comes Cindy Hyde-Smith, who says she will be glad to have a seat at the front row if invited to a public hanging (a covert mockery and reference to blacks during the slave era). That condescending racist statement led to donors asking to get back their money.

What about Donald Trump calling Omarosa a low-life and a dog after she accused him of making use of the N-word?  The condescending ladder is nonstop for these folks.

Congressman Jason Lewis was not ashamed to condescend and say “blacks have an entitlement mentality.” Typical suspected white supremacist talk. So people who suffered (and still suffering) untold persecution shouldn’t feel or be entitled to self-esteem, respect and protection from the diabolic society, economic enslavement, and institutional bias and unjust legal system they have to cope with? By Jason’s definition, black people shouldn’t be making claim to anything, not even their own personal dignity.

Closet racists use coded language, especially when they want to call a black person the N-word. At one point a black person who made white people uncomfortable was considered a “brute” but now “brute” is “thug.” The term “thug” has been the codeword for the N-word for awhile now. Although NFL football player, Richard Sherman exhibited zero criminal behavior during an interview following the NFC Championship game, he was called a thug. He was called a thug for simply making some white people uncomfortable. Yeah, thug is definitely one of the many codewords for the N-word. Believe it or not, thug was used 625 times on TV in only one day! 

Their level of micro-aggression is visible, especially in their choice of words. They say “the” when they refer to black people – example, “the blacks” and they say “you people.” You can check out Bill O’ Reilly’s history of racism. We can probably question whether or not he is even still in the closet. In addition, if you want to learn more about racism and micro-aggression, here are 21 of examples that are used on a daily basis by a covert racist.

Your Next Mass Shooter Have Looks That Are Deceiving

There is no disputing it. Most mass shooters are white males, and here are the statistics. From 1982 to 2019, white people account for more than 90 percent of the entire mass shooting incidents recorded in the United States. White domestic terrorists accounted for 114 mass killings in the U.S. On the outside, they look innocent and harmless to everyone. But on the inside, they are as deadly as a mamba snake. Dylan Roof, the Charleston church murderer is a perfect example.

According to his friends, Roof was never a troublesome person, and he was considered quiet and slow-witted. Roof’s long-time childhood “friend,” Caleb, testified that while in their school days, Roof couldn’t even read or write correctly.

But when the “innocent-looking” man walked into a church and shot nine black people dead without blinking an eye, all that innocence faded away, and a terrorist was revealed. The cold-blooded killer confirmed his heart of stone when he said he killed those nine people because he felt the need to do it, and still feels like doing it over again.

By the time journalists were running stories about him, interviewing some of Roof’s classmates and friends, Caleb was shocked that Roof could speak and write cleverly. Roof denied ever having anything to do with them. He even went on to write in his journal that he never had a black friend (Caleb), although his mother confirmed that Caleb was his friend. In the course of the trial, Roof never for once apologized or felt remorseful for the crime he committed, even after he was found guilty.

This is one of the reasons it is important for black people to realize there are sleeper cells among them. Everything about Dylan Roof confirms it. A white supremacist doesn’t have a specific look. They can look as non-threatening as possible and at times seem well-intentioned but are truly deadly inside. Like Elliot Rodgers, who went on a killing spree in Santa Barbara, California, had a problem with black boys because the white girls that denied him sexually would always go over to the black boys instead.

“How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves. I deserve it more,” Rodgers wrote in his manifesto.

Some white men get really angry knowing that there are white women who would dare deny them sexual access, especially over a black man. When you’re a loser who doesn’t get women, you will most likely walk around with a chip on your shoulder. It’s obvious that some closet racists turned full-blown white supremacists are incels.

A Closet Racist’s Favorite Black Person Is One That Is In Prison, Docile Or Dead

A closet racist operates from a place of cowardice. Instead of being overtly racist, they employ racist tactics in order to either get black people imprisoned or get them in an interaction with police that can possibly get them killed. From Golfcart Gail to BBQ Becky, here are the racially motivated and unwarranted 911 calls that covert racists made on black people and the list keeps growing.

As stated before, they use coded racist language in order to talk about black people in a negative manner. Examples are 14 words as listed in this article here.

They’re able to tolerate black people, as long as they’re in a subordinate position. See tokenism. Since they dominate in all areas of people activity, they feel entitled to always have control over the narrative. Even when black people tell racist people about themselves, some of them still don’t know (or even care) what they shouldn’t say to black people. We know what shouldn’t be said to black people, but one could ask do they know or do they just act like they don’t know.


Black people need to be fully aware of these types of people and be able to spot them as soon as possible. Some of these people are, in fact, very dangerous. Even if they don’t make 911 calls on you, they will do things like find ways to get you fired from your job.

Be careful what you post on your social media amongst your coworkers because some of them will copy and paste what you post and take it to human resources/management.

These are the type of people that will smile in your face and laugh and joke with you in person, but behind your back, they don’t think much of you and will find ways to undermine you. In other words, they will stab you in the back. Keep these people at a distance, as much distance as possible.

Only interact with them when it comes to professional settings. A heightened awareness of these traits is one of the most effective ways of dealing with them accordingly. We can sing kumbayas and endlessly debate on why black people need to stick together and look out for one another, but we won’t do that. What’s important is knowing who and what these closeted individuals are. The system of white supremacy continually flourishes because of closet racism. Understanding that gives black people a necessary advantage in figuring out how to effectively enact counter-racist strategies in order to fight racism/injustice and propagate justice.