Hegelian Dialectic, Psychological Operations And Proxy Wars Used For The Degradation Of Black People

Hegelian Dialectic, Psychological Operations And Proxy Wars Used For The Degradation Of Black People Black Male Artists Are A Proxy For America’s Public Enemy #1: Black Men – https://patuniverse.com/black-male-artists-are-a-proxy-for-americas-public-enemy-1-black-men/ Pat Fraser is a diversely experienced and accomplished artistpreneur (artistic entrepreneur) who disseminates his work as a graphic designer and hip…

Sophisticated Enemy Via Individuals And/Or (Mass) Media (Mind Control) Programming Vs. YOU

Sophisticated Enemy Via Individuals And/Or (Mass) Media (Mind Control) Programming Vs. YOU Pat Fraser is a diversely experienced and accomplished artistpreneur (artistic entrepreneur) who disseminates his work as a graphic designer and hip hop recording artist. Beyond the artistic talent and multiple aliases such as P.A.T., Powerful Artistic Truth, or…