Melanexis is a descendant of the planet Infinitia. Infinitia is a planet of an advanced race of beings. Not only a planet of advanced beings, but a planet of advanced technology. An intergalactic conquerer by the name of Ultraset invaded Infinitia in hopes to terra-form it into another conquered planet of his. Infinitia and many other warriors from the elite class thwarted Ultraset’s plan. While his plan to conquer was disrupted, a small chunk of the planet broke off and projected into space due to the terra-forming.
Aware of how detrimental this landmass turned comet could be if it were to hit another planet, Melanexis and other Infinitian warriors were sent on a mission to stop the comet from landing on an occupied planet. As the comet flew through different galaxies it split up in separate pieces and landed as meteorites on different planets throughout multiple galaxies. Melanexis and her team found out that the meteorites had already landed on different plantets and decided to split up, with each individual member going to a planet. Melanexis chose Earth. Melanexis found out about the meteorite and what it had done to some of the humans who were infected by the radiation. Not sure how to navigate on this newfound planet, Melanexis encountered Justice Warrior while he was on one of his missions.
PATMAN was in the midst of forming partnerships with other super-powered beings and felt that by recruiting Melanexis, he could not only receive the help that he needed to fight against injustice but also help Melanexis retrieve whatever is left of the meteorite. Melanexis was already a superior being on her home planet, but being part of Earth’s atmosphere increased her powers exponentially. With her extensive skills and abilities in addition to her raw power, she became a very dominant force on Earth.
Real Name: Melanexis / Melanie Xavier (Earth Name)
Place of Birth: Planet Infinitia
Universe: Earth-426
Aliases: Melanie Xavier, Melanie X
Affiliation: Shadow Cats
Base of Operations: X-El City
Citizenship: Infinitian, Alien
Marital Status: Married?
Occupation: Princess, Warrior
Education: Multiple Degrees
Gender: Female
Race: Infinitia (Indigo), Earth (Black/African-American)
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 195 lbs
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Black
Melanexis is seen as very no-nonsense and authoritative in nature. She was a princess and a warrior on her home planet so she was always an alpha female type. Although she seems to be intimidating, she is extremely caring and compassionate. She is also very diplomatic and willing to resolve conflicts peacefully if needed.
Powers and Abilities
Infinitian God-like Physiology
Life Force
Superhuman Condition
Superhuman Strength
Nigh Invulnerability – Melanexis can endure extreme temperatures, pressures, and energy-based attacks. Her body is strong enough to withstand physical strikes from cosmic-level beings without faltering.
Superhuman Speed and Reflexes – Melanexis’ reflexes and speed is unmatched by most beings. She can move at speeds surpassing light, dodging and countering attacks effortlessly. Her reactions are precise, allowing her to intercept projectiles and outmaneuver opponents with ease.
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Healing
Superhuman Senses
Limited Telepathy
Animal Empathy
Highly Intelligent
Brilliant Tactician and Strategist
Indomitable Will
Master Martial Artist/Combatant
Strength Level: Possible unlimited strength due to Infinitian physiology
While Melanexis is immensely powerful, prolonged use of her telepathy exhausts her body and leaves her vulnerable.
Battle Armor
Bladed Gauntlets
Energy Staff
Rogues Gallery
Leonessa The Lioness
Ms. Sting

Copyright ©
All artworks are copyright protected by Pat Fraser. These images may not be downloaded, copied, linked to, or edited in any manner or form for use on any website, image gallery, clipart collection, printed product, or other derivative uses without expressed written permission from the creator/artist.