Black People Forgiving Is Cowardice Aiding And Abetting White Supremacy

Black People Forgiving Is Cowardice Aiding And Abetting White Supremacy

The Triangular Offensiveness Of Black People Forgiving In The Public Eye

Contrition twines us like a snake each time we’re faced with the disgraceful reality of black people in a courtroom forgiving a white supremacist criminal who is facing prosecution for their evil deeds.

Of course, forgiveness is a cardinal norm of Christianity. But there is a limit to it. In short, forgiveness in itself can become a sin punishable by death.

The Biblical story of Ahab rings a bell in our socio-political ears each time we see black victims of white supremacist atrocities acting as if they’re holier-than-thou and the definition of godliness.

Ordinarily, there is nothing wrong with forgiving someone that wrongs you. Unfortunately forgiveness can be used in such a way that it will encourage the criminal intents of like-minded criminals to continue their criminality, and then the person who forgives becomes the sinner. 

Black peoples’ act of forgiveness can embolden the criminal intentions of white supremacists and it becomes a case where forgiveness is not only forgiveness but also foolishness. It is even more foolish and offensive when such an act of forgiveness is demonstrated in the course of legal justice being served to the racist filth. It trashes the retribution intent of the justice system and encourages recidivism. It not only makes the family of the victim look weak, but it also offends the expectations of other victims and their families who were not privileged to have such legal justice but left to suffer silently on their own.

Nothing is more offensive than black people hugging their white supremacists’ offender in an open courtroom. In addition to that, a black judge gave the white supremacist a hug and a Bible and a black bailiff was petting the white supremacist’s hair. The coonfest that took place in the courtroom during the Amber Guyger trial was not only offensive but also very obnoxious.

Amber Guyger was a former Dallas police officer that was standing trial for the murder of Botham Jean, whom she shot and murdered in his own home, after claiming she thought she was in her apartment. Let’s be real; we are talking about a possible premeditated, planned, and calculated murder. A white supremacist who believed she could get away with murder (and did partially understand apart given the mild sentence) by telling a blatant lie. Who in their right mind would believe otherwise, especially when Amber has a history of racist text messages.

While most of the victim’s family was left to take in the ten-year sentencing handed to Amber Guyger, the victim’s younger brother, Brandt Jean, stepped forward to embrace and confess his “Godly love” and forgiveness for the cold-blooded killer. Yes, he has the right to practice his religious belief, but that can be practiced in the privacy of his own home, not out in the open. This is at the expense of others who feel the pain of losing a loved one. It reopens and tortures the emotional wounds of other families who have suffered a similar fate in the hands of the likes of Amber Guyger. Also, the mammyism by Judge Tammy Kemp and the bailiff being an act of forgiveness in the open kind of demonstrates an indifferent attitude towards the issue of racial bias that characterizes the U.S. justice system.

When black people like the Jean family along with the judge and bailiff are consoling a white supremacist, it only encourages 3 things (in no particular order).

(a) It allows the white-own media to continue to control the narrative and diminish the relevance of black lives.

The media has put all of the hugging and forgiveness out there to show black people as weak and cowardly. What happened effectively communicated that black people can be dealt an injustice and will just turn the other cheek. This has been put out there multiple times. Mass media is a potent tool. This also communicates to other sleeper cells/racists out there that they can kick black people around, and we will forgive afterwards.

(b) It gives white supremacists a humanity they don’t deserve.

This helped to humanize a racist. This tells the masses that it is OK to “accept” a racist/racism, and just move on with life. It tells people that white supremacists are “humans” who don’t intend to hurt, but do anyway, and whatever happens shouldn’t be taken seriously.

(c) After being humanized and coddled, it gave the system even more reason to provide her with a light sentence. On top of her being white. On top of her being a white woman. On top of her being an ex-COP. Black people who have committed similar crimes to this woman are doing life sentences. Many have been up for the death penalty at times. Well, this is not surprising considering the racial disparity in the American justice system where police use more lethal force on black people than on white people for similar offenses.


Some People Use Religion To Empower Themselves While Others Don’t

Like we said in the opening few paragraphs of this article, everyone has the right to practice their beliefs, and that includes Christians.

Tons of people have read the Bible. Tons of people are “religious.” The difference is everyone interprets things in their way. Some people use religion to empower themselves. Others use it to be submissive and cowardly.

Otherwise, what name do you have for people who quietly walk their way into slavery? Who will never stand up against racism when insulted and abused, instead choosing to take sides for fear of losing their jobs? We call it tucking your tail between your legs, and that is what this professional basketball team that includes many black players did. The players decided to turn their shirts inside out, which was a response to their boss basically saying, “I hate niggers.” Those black men demonstrated their spinelessness for not being able to truly stand up against racism. Instead, they chose to submit to the racial stigma, and that is what a black family did when they faced their white supremacist tormentor in the courtroom.

If as a Christian you feel that white supremacists that are standing trials shouldn’t be made to suffer for their evil deeds because they’re not worth it (as presupposed by your act of forgiveness), know this; you’re only aiding and abetting white supremacy in the worst form of cowardice imaginable.

Black people who use religion to submit to the evils of racism are lames. These same lames are the ones who are also undermining the justice system and the fact that God himself establishes the process of retribution via the laws of the land. If you’re a lame, stop being a lame and stop aiding and abetting white supremacy. Stop the nonsense and stand up and demand justice. If you believe in Jesus then you should know he has given you the right to fight judicially, not just for yourself, but also for others suffocating under this racially biased system. White Jesus isn’t swooping in to save the day. Christ damn sure isn’t coming to save you from the wickedness of Europe that has reigned for more than 350 years. As a people, Afrikans worldwide must rise and aspire for what is right.

By the way, why are black people continually told to forgive? The amount of times black people are asked to forgive is disturbing. When bad things happen to white people or anyone else, they’re not asked if they forgive whoever caused them harm. The justice process is swift, and the decision reached is mostly harsh and fatal for the black man. But when it is a white man (or white woman) that is the offender, we are asked to forgive, and the media plays the sympathizer role, encouraging forgiveness and singing the Biblical songs of Solomon.

This is psychological warfare enacted on black people. It conditions us to continue to allow harm to be inflicted on us and to turn the other cheek. If no one sees how dangerous that is, then it’s not even worth a discussion.

White supremacists in the mainstream media use religion to undermine our intelligence and sense of responsibility. They always ask black people to forgive because they understand how rooted black people are in Christian faith. The same faith that was brought to us by slave masters—the same faith that people have wholly abandoned and legalized all sorts of immoralities that make Sodom and Gomorrah a paradise in their time.

But it is all pretenses—warfare designed by the present-day white supremacist as part of the sinister plan to achieve the end goals of their white supremacists before them. They really don’t give a damn about your Christian act of forgiveness. They want you to continue being a moron whose life is as worthless as a piece of toilet paper.


Some Black People Value Whiteness More Than Blackness

“Forgiving whites for acts of racism is a mental illness on the part of black people.” – Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.

Well, the first time we heard those facts spoken from the late great Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, we knew exactly what to make of it. We know what it means, and she couldn’t have said it better. It seems like black people have been wired to accept the misdeed of white people as inevitable parts of the natural course of life. Some of us even believe that God wired us to suffer this way, and our place in life is to be subservient to the white man. If this isn’t mental slavery, then we wonder what is.

The fact is, many Afrikans (American or otherwise) value whiteness more than blackness, and so will do nothing to end or stand up against racism. Too many black people have bought blindly into the white man’s bourgeois values in their quest to secure their own financial freedom. So long as some black people are happy, since kowtowing for white approval is the best thing in life for them, even if their blackness is insulted and abused at will. That is the thinking of House Negroes, especially those that grew up under Judo-Christianity.

There is an ongoing attempt to educate and entrench the thinking that being genuinely American means being white. This whiteness entrenchment has already been taking shape and spreading fast. Until black people learn to understand what whiteness means as a concept, black people will continue to suffer through racism, even among themselves.


Pacifism And Cooning Has Been Taught To Black People For Too Long

Pacifism and coon behavior are some of the most significant problems plaguing black people’s sense of reasoning for many years. If you are wondering what coon behavior means, it is the behavior that appears embarrassing to the highly productive black people who are about black empowerment in a generally racist society.

Any black person that will undermine black people and black progress in an effort to be approved of by white people is a coon. Anyone that refuses to identify with his or her Afrikan ancestral background is a coon. Any black person that makes all sorts of excuses for white supremacists’ treatment of black people is nothing but a coon. You can learn more about coons in this article.

Christianity (mostly for the way we practice it) has produced a severe failure dynamic in the black community. Yes, it has. When a father says, he would like to be friends with his child’s murderer; that speaks volumes.

What happened to “Do not being equally yoked with an unbeliever?” What happened to “Whatsoever a man sowed, so shall he reap?” When Jean’s father said he would love to befriend Amber Guyger, his son’s murderer, he may be genuinely forgiving his enemy, but at the same time, he is calming, aiding, and abetting the resolve of white supremacy and their evil cohorts. It is the worst form of cooning, the latest favorite racial slur in America.


There’s A Time And A Place For Everything, Including Forgiveness

Black people don’t have the luxury to forgive racist people in the public eye. If you’re going to forgive, do it in private.

Think about it; no one brings up 9/11 and asks white people who lost their family members to a terrorist attack if they forgive. No one is going up to them and saying we might as well forgive the terrorists who committed this atrocity and be friends with them.

People might have to start putting a no hugs or no forgiving openly in public clause in their life insurance.

Those of us black people who see forgiveness as a way of relieving the pain and anger of being victimized should also know that there is something else beneath all of it.

The constant active and passive demand for forgiveness, especially in cases of racially motivated killings, is another way of protecting whiteness, and the U.S. society as a whole. Therefore, it is a whole new problem for black people–one that demands urgent consideration.

Americans must stop asking forgiveness from black people because it only free white people of black lash but demands nothing in return. Ladies and gents, that in and of itself is another form of racism.

Of course, forgiveness in and of itself isn’t problematic, but when it is foolishly applied in situations that call for justice, it is problematic. Obviously all black people don’t engage in this type of conduct, but the ones who do seriously need to wake up. The only way to fight injustice is by seeking justice and see to it that perpetrators are appropriately punished for their crimes.