Black Male Artists Are A Proxy For America’s Public Enemy #1: Black Men

Black Male Artists Are A Proxy For America’s Public Enemy #1: Black Men

Black Male Artistic Excellence Is Awesome Until Careless Moves And Self-Destructive Tendencies Come Into Play 

The life of an artist consists of a pain that shadows every iota of fame. Believe it or not, there is an unspoken cost attached to being attractive (depending on the eye of the beholder), famous, wealthy and influential. Most times, our actions and inactions act as precursors to experiencing this cost—the pain that evolved from living the notable life of a celebrity.

In the past few decades, especially, since the start of the millennium, we have witnessed the careers of many renowned celebrities—both black and white–exterminated by one or more forms of allegations.

From alleged assault to accusations of sexual harassment, many black (and several highly placed white) celebrities have seen their glittering career brought down to earth like the Tower of Babel and sent to the waste bin of historical shame and pain, never to rise again in some cases.

How many of us remember the New York Times report on Harvey Weinstein and his chronicles of sexual harassment allegations? Well, we all knew how that report led to Harvey losing his position both in his company and at the Academy of Motion Picture & Science. Recently, a jury found Harvey guilty of two sex crimes, and he received a sentence that surprisingly wasn’t that much of a slap on the wrist.

Not that we’re arguing a case for Harvey. But, Harvey’s case is worth mentioning considering that he is white and we’re living in a society where “blackness” is overtly and covertly regarded as America’s public enemy number one.

So, if a super rich white dude like Harvey Weinstein can be subjected to such allegations and treatment of shame and public ridicule, it logically presupposes that black celebs should expect far worse, without reservation because they’re wrongfully regarded as America’s face of rape culture (more on that later…stay tuned).

Common sense entails that black male artists should move with caution and checkmate their excesses. But, who knows if anyone is really learning anything. How many high profile black male artists out there are free from cases of assault and sexual molestations?

We are quite aware that the entertainment industry consists of all forms of machinations regarding character assassination. But, shouldn’t black celebrities use that as an opportunity to wise up and be more cautious, particularly around women?

Yes, anyone can question if sycophants and whorish opportunists are possibly behind these allegations flying left and right. However, we cannot deny the fact that there are real victims who deserve to be heard.

No matter how much you loved the creative excellence of certain artists, the truth of the matter is that some of them have abused their fame and wrecked people’s lives in real life. Accountability isn’t “color-blind.” The mistreatment of women is reprehensible and shouldn’t be tolerated.

A low life is always a low life, and they come in many colors, forms and tax brackets. As more and more women are speaking out, we’re seeing some of the accused, particularly the ones clothed in celebrity fame being exposed and taken to the sacrificial altar of public disgrace.

Hence, no one cared about Harvey Weinstein being a white man occupying a dominant position in the entertainment world. So, it would be stupid to think that anyone would give a damn about a black man who might be accused (falsely or not) of similar cases of sexual misconduct.

Unfortunately, many of these current crops of black male artists might’ve thought they were somehow above the law. From Bill Cosby to R. Kelly, quite a few black celebrities have been dragged through the mud of sexual misconduct cases, and a good number of them have had their career destroyed as a result.

When you set out on morally questionable exploits, you will pay the price. A high profile black man that moves recklessly is guaranteed to become a proxy for black men in general (good, bad or indifferent). A proxy that is characterized as America’s public enemy number one brought to you in part by a mainstream media that is ran by covert racists.

Black Male Artists Have Forgotten That Those Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Mess With Stones  

It is regrettably lugubrious that the black male celebrities in the center of these sexual harassment accusations can turn out to be so careless and stupid. They have forgotten so soon that working in the entertainment industry is like living in a glasshouse where everything around you is transparent, and even the walls aren’t shatterproof.

You’re continually floating in the limelight. No day passes without the scrutinization of your actions, and inactions, even by forces you’d never have imagined are interested in your hustle. Also, a well-intentioned gesture can easily be misinterpreted to mean something awful. There is a deep history of black men who have been falsely accused of sexual allegations just by looking in the direction of women (white women in particular). So, why should you let your guards down, especially around women?

No, we’re not implying that all the male celebrities accused of one or more sexual crimes are innocent or guilty as charged. But, the fact remains that male stars, particularly black male artists, are primed for such accusations, whether they did it or not.

Otherwise, how do you explain the gory and ongoing trend where so many famous male artists in all genres of the entertainment industry are slapped with one or more kinds of sexual assault accusations? This is the reality, not an exaggeration.

In short, from the time the New York Times reported on Harvey Weinstein’s case to his subsequent criminal conviction, the list of celebrities accused of sexual crimes have surpassed the 100 marks, and there is no end in sight for these accused individuals.

By interpretation, this virtually means “all-male artists are a potential sexual predator—a rapist or sexual harasser.” Imagine what that means for black male artists.

In other words, your character as an artist is already passively assassinated even before you made it to stardom. Preventing such character assassination from manifesting into full, blown active sexual accusations and career-killing repercussions boils down to how much you realize that being a black male in America is a strike against you and most importantly, how you behave around women.

Precisely, that is what the U.S. Vice President, Mike Pence, was talking about when he said: “I don’t ever meet alone or have dinner alone with female colleagues to avoid creating any perception of impropriety.” Just wrap your head around that for a second.

This is a factual and relatable statement, and it’s coming from a man who understood the reality of his complex environment. Pence is a man who knows the cost that goes with being famous, living the glass-life where even the best of intentions can quickly become a “David stone” capable of ruining his entire political Goliath career. So, he took the precaution to make sure the ugly trend will never become a reality in his private and political life.

But what about black male artists? Instead of taking precaution to guide their career (knowing that their blackness put them at a much more disadvantaged position in the eyes of a racist landscape), they simply shrug their shoulders thinking they’re teflon and throw caution to the winds by being unregulated and loose.

By their actions and inactions, they make themselves willing proxies that are helping America, a nation built on racism, to smite and humiliate the black man: America’s public enemy numero uno.

When Rick Ross said he doesn’t sign women to his label because he will end up sleeping with them, he might have passed off as someone daring and flagrant. But, in reality, by making such unguarded statements, Rick just added a cartridge to the lock n’ loaded narrative weapon of suspected white supremacists while creating the impression that every male music and movie producer out there is a sexual predator.

We won’t be surprised if people wake up one day to see Rick Ross on breaking news with sexual accusations flying from left, right and center against him. That is for failing to know that the entertainment industry is like a glasshouse where one mistake can bring a “powerful” black man down from top to bottom like Bill Cosby.

Bill Cosby? Yes! Another black male celeb who failed to realize that he lives in a glasshouse and is now languishing in prison. Bill Cosby is just another proxy whom, through his conduct, has unfortunately aided and abated the white-owned mainstream media in their undying quest to ridicule and undermine America’s public enemy number one: the black man.

The Black Male Artist’s Nonchalant Attitude Towards A History Of Sexual Accusation Cases Can Be Black Men’s Kryptonite

History has a stake for everything, and everyone and everything/everyone has a stake in history. But, sadly, the black male artist seems like they’re the only people that don’t really take history into account. If they do, black celebs like Bill Cosby and R. Kelly of late wouldn’t have gotten themselves into the same types of troubles that their predecessors got into.

From the 1990s to the 21st century, the sexual books of history are laden with cases of black celebrities whose careers were decimated by allegations and convictions for sexual crimes.

Lawrence Taylor Jr. was convicted for having sex with a 13-year old girl. 2Pac spent some time in prison on charges of rape. Russell Simmons career was crucified for similar charges. Then we have L.A. Reid, Tavis Smiley, Rosey Grier, Sean Kingston, Darren Shaper, Ceelo Green, and more, whose names are forever documented in the historical chronicles of sexual crimes.

History has always been the best teacher from which black celebrities could learn how to behave and stop being “unintentional” proxies used by the mainstream media to target blackness. Unfortunately, they have failed to learn.

Black male artists’ reckless behavior, born out of a careless attitude towards events that happened in the past, is preventing them from understanding the present and will block them from forecasting the future correctly.

So, like the proverbial blind man, many of them end up falling into the ditch of sexual accusations while doubling up as useful proxies in the narrative hands of racists that regard the black man as America’s face of bad behavior and criminality.

By choosing to remain indifferent (or maybe ignorant) to previous cases of sexual allegations levied against their predecessors, many black male artists have lost the opportunity to better their conducts and win against the covert racism inherent not just in the entertainment industry but in the economic, educational, and criminal justice systems as well.

Nothing best explains it than sheer stupidity when black male celebrities fail to understand that it takes just a single sexual abuse testimony from a woman to tarnish a long-standing image and end a career you have built for many years, and that’s assuming if it doesn’t take your life along with it as it happened to Emmett Till.

The Crying Blood of Innocent Emmett Till And The Racist Woman With His Blood All Over Her Hands

Do you recall Emmett Till back in 1955? He was a black boy with a promising future like every one of us. However, that life was cut short prematurely by the testimony of a racist woman that goes by the name, Carolyn Bryant Dorham. She claimed that Till sexually harassed her and as a result, an angry white mob descended on the 14-year old, gorged out his eyes and lynched him to death.

Sixty years later, Carolyn confessed to Timothy B. Tyson, a historian from Duke University, that majority of the claims made against Till years ago were all lies. She openly stated that Emmett Till was never in any way sexually menacing, did not grab her or grope her. Carolyn Bryant Donham made the confession in 2007.

Well, it’s good that Carolyn was remorseful enough to step out of her racist shell to confess that Emmett Till never abused her verbally or physically. Who knows, her conscience might have played a role, especially now that she is drawing closer to her grave. Like Pac said, “I see niggas turn Christian when faced with death,” maybe that was what motivated Carolyn to come out with the truth so she can at least face her creator with a clearer conscience.

Notwithstanding, the fact remains that Emmett Till died because of a false allegation of a sexual act he never committed. In that case, Carolyn’s confession makes no difference.

Nevertheless, there is a thing history wants you to learn from this story. It is that, if a woman can tell a bold-faced lie that led to one of America’s most gruesome and racist murders, and maintained such a lie for 60 years, don’t you think similar things are happening now with all of these allegations flying around?

Here’s the thing: if there was a Carolyn Bryant Donham in Emmett Till’s time, there are many Carolyn Bryant Donhams now running around in this age of advanced technology and capitalist greed, looking for whom to milk dry and hang on the gallows of sexual misconduct. And they are set to get the same effect with their testimonies as did Carolyn Bryant Donham because today’s criminal justice system is wired to see and treat the black man as America’s public enemy number one. That explains why a black man gets 20 years for the same offense committed by a white man who gets just two years or probation, you know, your usual slap on the wrist sentence.

Black male artists can’t afford to be ignoramuses in a country that never gave a fuck about black men and navigate so stupidly through a covertly racist social climate. We have to wise up and be five steps ahead of the many Carolyn Bryant Donhams’ out there who make false accusations to see black men end up dead or in jail. So long as you’re famous, you’d remain a “celebrity Samson” whose weakness is waiting to be discovered and exploited by the Delilahs of our time. You can only win if you act with caution around them.

However, if you chose to remain nonchalant and oblivious, be ready to end up like Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein. From a blissful life of success boasting nine Grammy awards to spending his remaining life in prison, Bill Cosby is paying the price for daring to live a life devoid of self-awareness and historical discipline.

If you fail to learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. You know how the saying goes.

A Transforming Society With Shifting Cultural Norms And Values 

Today’s modern society is culturally driven by increasing numbers of different pressure groups of fearless and influential women. They will stop at nothing to press home their First Amendment Rights and bring their feminine power to bear on anything and anyone they feel is infringing on their constitutional and natural rights as women.

And what have we here? Both the political, economic and social systems (in written and unwritten fashions) are responding to their needs. A typical example of these pressure groups is the “Me Too” movement.

“Me Too” is a group that advocate for the sexual rights and respect of women. They assist women who have suffered from sexual abuse. They provide a platform for women in the entertainment industry and beyond, to air their grievances, supporting sexually assaulted victims while navigating the criminal justice system.

Me Too as a pressure group profoundly impacted Bill Cosby’s case. They did not only convince and encourage more women to step out and testify against Cosby, but they also may have influenced the outcome of the verdict reached.

The group’s conduct and its effect demonstrate that societal norms and values in regards to gender inequality and exploitation of women has assumed a new cultural viewpoint, one in which sexual assault victims are no longer ashamed to step out and tell their stories to a society that is increasingly becoming more decisive against alleged sexual offenders.

Gone are the days where America’s democracy is laden with unconscious hierarchical structures that dictate who has the will and power to establish factual truth. The conviction of Harvey Weinstein for sexual violence saw experts declaring “partial” victory for the Me Too movement, meaning there most certainly will be more to come.

As a black male artist, you don’t want to be caught in the crosshairs of sexual allegations spearheaded by groups like “Me Too” who are out to ensure that every woman in Hollywood and abroad are treated with respect and dignity, and rightfully so.

The take-home from these sad and career-ending stories is that black male artists must realize they’re a proxy for America’s public enemy number one; the black man. They can’t afford to mess up in a racially rigged system where the rules are written and enforced by white men in power. Some of the same white men in power who are some of the leading perpetrators of sexual crimes.

Yes, it is a racist system that boasts of white supremacy not only lynching black men in public but also publicly assassinating their character and publicly lynching their careers as well. This doesn’t imply that any black celebrity like Bill Cosby or R. Kelly should be allowed to go scott-free just because America has a shameful history of overtly and covertly targeting black people. That’s not what we are saying, so don’t get what we’re saying misconstrued.

The point is that, if these male celebrities are truly guilty for the crimes alleged against them, they should be made to face the full wrath of the law, notwithstanding their skin color. But at the same time, we must remind ourselves that the same way Emmett Till (and many more black men throughout history) have been falsely accused and brutally murdered for a crime they never committed, is the same thing that can happen to any black man.

The Underlying Theme

In a nutshell, this article is designed as an ecclesiastical piece of writing that draws evidence from history and current trends to advise black male artists (really, black men in general) that they need to respect women (obviously) and play safely around them. Black male artists in all genres of the entertainment industry must avoid detrimental situations and stop setting themselves up for career-killing accusations. No respectability politics here, just the brutally honest truth. Take it or leave it.

Black male artists must sober up to the fact that a single sexual violence claim by one woman is all that is required to cause a 9/11 in your career. You’ll forever be stained no matter how much you might try to prove your innocence. A word, they say, is enough for the wise.

The Troubling Belief that Black Men are Epitome of the Rape Culture in Racist America

From Kevin Hart to Kareem Hunt, and other African-American men who were making the headlines, what we have been seeing are nothing but proxies for black men in America.

The white establishment (mainstream) media has covertly diverted attention far away from real issues involving child molestation, police brutality, mass murders, and so on, to focus people’s attention on the “most dangerous,” America’s public enemy number one, the “the big bad black man.”

They have classified black men as homophobic, abusive and prone to criminality. Since they cannot accuse black people of racism (yes, they also do that), they find it more convenient to point out black men’s failures and perceived homophobic tendencies. Pete Buttigieg had no problem stating that “homophobia” was one of the reasons the he couldn’t get more black support, even though he didn’t know black people existed until he wanted to run for President. Year’s prior to that nonsense, Kevin Hart became a posterchild for homophobia while his white comedic counterparts who made gay jokes didn’t deal with being targeted by the LGBTQ community. For some reason there’s this widespread lie that heterosexual black men are “homophobic” but when we look at who are the top targets of hate crimes and who have perpetuated the most heinous hate crimes against gays, we’d have to rethink that stance. This is something they do to deflect attention away from glaring white racism and white criminality and to turn the narrative against black men. This is nothing but OPTICS at work. The mainstream media that has the hearts, minds and souls of the general public creates an association fallacy or false association by falsely associating criminality with black men. People do believe what they see after awhile.

“Repeat a lie long enough and it becomes the truth” – Nazi Joseph Goebbels

Modern America and the socio-economic and political system that drives it is wired to see and thus treat the black man as the “Villain.” Unfortunately, some black men have become unwilling proxies because they have failed their self-responsibilities.

The power play, as demonstrated by the LGBTQ is easy to decipher. It virtually means, “Apologize or face the consequences.” Those of us that have come of age but made specific posts while we were young must face swift and decisive punishment. When it comes to specific posts they deem offensive, they can hold them against a more matured and evolved version of yourself.

Now, rape is a serious criminal offense that any sane person should detest with impunity. Anyone involved in the act of rape should suffer the consequences. But, when you designate one particular race as the face of rape culture, then there is a real problem.

In America’s racist landscape, black men are wrongfully classified as the face of rape culture and thus are treated as such. Despite just making up 13% of the entire population, African Americans are the highest number of people (47%) wrongfully convicted and sentenced to the historic rape hall of shame only to be exonerated after spending many years in prison.

There’s a white woman from Michigan who falsely claimed that some black men kidnapped, assaulted and raped her. Another white woman falsely claimed that a black man kidnapped two of her sons, one 3 years, the other, 14 months (whom she actually murdered). There’s another infamous case of Amanda Knox, who accused a black man for a terrible case of murder she was convicted of. What about this white man that claimed some black men stabbed and murdered his wife (whom he actually killed).

In each of those examples, many people believed the initial story because of the existing belief that the black man is the epitome of rape and murder culture. It is because Americans have been told that this is what black men do. No thanks to Hollywood and the diabolic mainstream media, and the bias, lopsided law enforcement system. This is America!

As black men, we should not sit by the wayside and watch on while our identity is destroyed and given a name it doesn’t deserve. There are highly placed white men who represent the real face of rape culture in this country. Do we have to go into the founders of this country and the many slave owners who raped countless women since this country’s inception? Do we really want to go there? Yeah, didn’t think so…

Apart from the “face-saving, we scratch-the-surface, let’s move on to the next” news coverage being dished out, the mainstream media don’t care to go deeper after corrupt and criminal white men like they do other races. The reason is simple; because, if they do, many people will end up losing their jobs. That’s just about it. We’re talking about influential figures that can turn your career off with one phone call.

The Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing Aiding The Racist Controlled Rape Culture Narrative On Black Men

Unfortunately women like Gayle King and Oprah Winfrey are tools of white supremacy. Who can blame anyone who said they have been utilized as nothing more than useful mammies that fit in with the white supremacist deflection scheme. They’re bought and paid for service providers, and they do the biddings of their white taskmasters.

How many in-depth documentaries did Gayle and Oprah put out on Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Woodie Allen, Bill O’ Reilly, or Kevin Spacy, and the long list white rapists and criminals out there? You want to know the answer? None. How much research have they done about the Catholic Church and its history of sexually abusing children? None!

Yet, these two women found convenience in carrying on like plantation mammies. The graveyard in Neverland won’t allow the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson to come back and defend himself against vulture-like opportunists who had a field day collaborating with Oprah at his expense.

As for Snoop Dogg calling Gayle all sorts of names, we agree with his stance. Did he have to be as brutal as he was in his name-calling? Probably not, but women like Gayle need to be held accountable and sometimes that accountability might be verbally heavy-handed.

Notwithstanding, if we were in the picture, we wouldn’t have made incite-full statements capable of inciting physical harm and harassment to her person. But, you cannot blame Snoop, he is a rapper, not an eloquently well-spoken orator like Barack Obama. So, he spoke using the “street language” he knows best. Humans are different by nature, and everyone can’t possibly say or do things in a politically correct way.

KOBE BRYANT: Even Dead Black Men Can’t Rest In Peace In So-Called “Post-Racial America”  

Dead men they say don’t talk, but the bones of Kobe Bryant must have been turning in his grave, not just for his gruesome and untimely death, but for the awful things we’ve been hearing and seeing about the great legend.

No experience is more painful than death itself, especially when it involves a loved one. Same goes for celebrities’ death; they’re tough and hard to go by as well. Unfortunately, death is one inevitable end that every living organism must come to. As much as it really sucks, that is the ultimate punishment for man and woman’s great fall in Eden.

It is pretty shameful that we had to read the garbage being put forward as theories concerning Kobe. While this man was alive, why was none of these theories being brought up? Why now that he is dead?

We’re never against any new information; so long as it’s based on actual and provable facts. But, so far, what we’re seeing and hearing is nothing short of pure speculations based on senseless verbatim. It’s becoming apparent that someone who couldn’t completely tarnish his image with outright lies while alive is now hell-bent on making a profit on him while dead. This has to be one of the zeniths of man’s inhumanity towards man. But, no surprise here because that’s how things work in America where the “big scary black man” is always the villain, even in the grave.

In addition to the ever-present racists who felt comfortable behind their computer screens talking reckless about Kobe (and every other black person they don’t have to face), a suspected white supremacist female made a racist Freudian Slip on national television when she called the Los Angeles Lakers, the Los Angeles Niggers. Although she lied and claimed she messed up and said “the Los Angeles Nakers,” we know damn well she meant what she said. What she said was as clear as a crystal ball. We’re not mad at her at all, because, it would be like getting mad at a dog for barking. The grass is green and dogs bark. When someone shows their racism through micro-aggressions, we just have to accept the reality of who and what they are.

We really could go at greater length on this subject, but here is the catch: black people, particularly black men everywhere in America must realize that they’re dealing with an inherently racist system, one that’s both covertly and overtly supervised by white supremacists, white supremacist collaborators and white supremacist sympathizers. So when you see someone making racist comments via national TV, don’t be surprised. They’re conducting business as usual.

Our society reeks of enough people that will not mind vomiting at the sight of black people. Their racism is innate, and the blood that flows in them makes it difficult for them to hide their hatred and jealousy of black people.

It’s either they are openly racist or covertly racist. They are vampires with a taste for blood, and they just cannot suppress the racist beasts in themselves.

These people will make slick remarks painted as jokes to demonstrate their covert racism. By this, they insult and mock your sense of reasoning, telling you that what you heard or saw isn’t what is being said or done. They’ve mastered the art of gaslighting their victim(s).

That’s the manifestations of the merciless beast Afrikans are facing, and you know them by their fruits. We wish that all black artists and Afrikans in general, could be more proactive instead of being reactive. Our reactionary mindset hasn’t helped us much. We need to chart a new path to counter these hordes of racists who have always been at war against us.

By now, the ridiculous and baseless allegations fabricated against Kobe Bryant should be dead and gone, discharged and acquitted from the legendary NBA player. No other woman outside of the one who falsely accused Kobe ever came out and said that he mistreated women. He was never arrested or charged for rape during his lifetime.

Those who are trying hard to alter reality and rewrite history can try as much as they want. But, they shouldn’t also forget that history has a place for their lies also. The reality is that Kobe Bryant was a true champion, both in his private and professional life, and will forever remain a true legend in the golden books of history. A legend that none of his current name bashers can ever dream of, let alone achieve, in this world.

As for those of you who find it convenient to slander and assassinate the character of someone who is dead with allegations he was never convicted for while alive, know too that your casket is waiting somewhere for you also. The one thing in this life that is promised is: death.

Here Is What Black Male Artists And Black Businessmen Can Learn From Gayle King And Oprah Winfrey’s Stance Against Black Men

Like it or not, Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King are bought and paid for. Outside of their own individual accomplishments and successes in life, they also function as tools used to please the narrative of their racist masters who don’t want too much heat going their way.

This is war and it’s all about survival. Since you now have moles (Oprah and Gayle) on the inside, the first rule is to learn from your predecessors rise and fall so you don’t become a victim as well.

You have to learn from the mistakes of R. Kelly and Bill Cosby or die savagely after a brief period of fame. What do they have in common? Both lacked self-discipline and a lifestyle devoid of proactive realism.

Now, here are three important rules to remember:

Rule #1. Politics of absolute respectability only pleases the dictum of the self-righteous hypocrites who engage in respectability politics. It’s a time killer, so avoid it.

Rule #2.  Think with a sense of realism; don’t always allow others to think for you, and avoid using your smaller head to think.

Rule #3.  You are not, and can never be like the white man. They have a status and privilege that you as a black man don’t have.

We have always exercised a certain level of restraint when it comes to attacking black people online, but in everything we do, there is always the time to call a spade a spade.

Honest to God, we can’t take it when other black folks make it their personal business to attack and demean the character of other black people, most especially dead black male artists.

Gayle and Oprah have both acquired degrees as two unrepented cannibals that love to pray on the dead. So far, this duo has attacked and assassinated the character of two dead and defenseless black men—pop legend Michael Jackson and basketball legend, Kobe Bryant.

When these same two-faced individuals were asked to comment on the numerous lists of white men that were accused and even convicted for sex crimes (people like Harvey Weinstein,) guess what? They gave the white men a pass. But, once Oprah and Gayle hear of a black man that’s accused of a crime, they deemed him guilty as charged, and so they rush off to produce a documentary.

This shows that some people will do anything for the money. We live in a world where people have no shame. Yes, there are people whose conscience is seared with a hot iron. The mask is off, and we’re witnessing what slavery looked like when plantation mammies were right at work, unapologetically serving their lord and master white supremacists.

Black feminists and white soccer moms might find Oprah impressive and loving, but not to the many black men out there who can’t stand her. And if you think we’re too hard on her, being a so-called “influential black woman,” particularly considering that the majority of her audience are white, you’re free to simply disagree with our stance.

We find it very heartless and shameful that Gayle can come up with excuses to wave off white males accused of sexual violence but find it refreshing to bring up the dead Kobe Bryant during an interview. Gayle was wherever she was defending Charlie Rose, and she didn’t stop there. She took it upon herself to act as Al Franken’s attorney, making all sorts of silly excuses for him.

Black Crash Test Dummies Are Used To Help Propagate The System Of White Supremacy 

No one said it better than Neely Fuller, Jr.

“If you don’t understand white supremacy/racism, everything that you do understand will only confuse you.”

Many people don’t get it. There are the loyal crash test dummies out there that white supremacists use as a cover to perform their business of targeting black people. These crash test dummies happen to be black people.

If you mean to attack and demean any famed black person, you can easily do it by soliciting the help of another black person. This way, your cover is maintained while the harm is being done. This is what white supremacists do, so when shit hits the fan, and they’re called out for their racists acts, they can say “I never did A, B and C. It’s the influential black person that’s on our payroll who did it.” Case closed.

That has been an effective tactic, and that is why you see racist people hanging out with “black friends.” Yes, even the most overtly racist individuals out there have some black friends. The black people they hang out with are not outspoken people, and they are approval-seeking and compliant in nature. White supremacists are friends with black people who don’t think for themselves and crave attention from the dominant white society. These are the black people that racist people simply tolerate. Corporations need and employ “token negroes” to paint a false picture that they are not racists. That’s just how things work in corporate America.

We’re totally in agreement with Mr. Fuller; if you don’t understand the workings of white supremacy/racism, you most certainly are confused.