A Logical Fallacy That Tricks You Into Not Using Your Brain

A Logical Fallacy That Tricks You Into Not Using Your Brain

A false dilemma is a fallacy in logic. It’s presented by someone who is trying to assert authority of some kind or dominance in the discussion or argument. Don’t get into some pointless debate and allow someone to trap you in an “either-or” argument. It’s that person’s way of trying to control both sides of the argument.

– A false dilemma is an aggressive form of influence and can used as propaganda.
– It makes things seem strictly black and white with no gray area.
– It can framed as “us vs. them” or you’re either “with us or against us.”
– It can be framed as an “excluded middle.” Basically something has to be true or false, with no consideration for the degrees of truth between the two extremes.
– It can create a false choice, a choice that is not actually meant to solve a problem that is presented.
– It can create a false alternative, where the alternatives in a choice is misrepresented. For example, an ad pops up on your computer screen and it requires you to click “yes” or “no” to improving your health. If you don’t answer, it can be assumed that you don’t want to improve your health, when really you just didn’t want to respond to the ad.

Most of the time, there are in fact, more alternatives. There are more choices. Don’t allow yourself to get caught in a false dilemma. Exercise all of your options.

Pat Fraser is a diversely experienced and accomplished artistpreneur (artistic entrepreneur) who disseminates his work as a graphic designer and hip hop recording artist. Beyond the artistic talent and multiple aliases such as P.A.T., Powerful Artistic Truth, or PATMAN, Pat Fraser is dedicated to the empowerment of others. Pat runs an Internet marketing consultancy where he not only employs internet marketing tactics for his own brand, but for other small businesses as well. As a thought provocateur, Pat speaks on a wide range of topics having to do with any and everything having to do with content creation, internet marketing, entrepreneurship, creative professional development, music, black empowerment, socio-political analysis, philosophy and anything else Pat wants to wrap his mind around. No subject or topic is off the table. The PAT FRASER platform may contain explicit language, which may be offensive to some viewers and/or inappropriate for children. PAT FRASER produces content that is intended for mature audiences only, and will not be held responsible and/or liable for anything he says. So viewer and/or listener discretion is advised.