6 Major Corporations Control The Way That You Think And Tell You What To Think About

6 Major Corporations Control The Way That You Think And Tell You What To Think About

Getting your “facts” from TV means 6 major corporations control how you think. Not only that, but they tell you what to think. Are you really a free thinker?

Here’s some brief info… 90% of what you watch, listen to and read is owned by 6 major companies. Those 6 companies are GE (General Electric), Newscorp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS.

They own and control…

– 1,500 newspapers

– 1,100 magazines

– 9,000 radio stations

– 1,500 TV stations

– 2,400 publishers

If the television is your only source of information and you think that’s OK, then you should seriously reevaluate your worldview. Your view of the world and what goes on in it is limited by default. You can’t be a true free thinker if you spend your free time sitting in front of a TV consuming disinformation. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Do your own research.

Pat Fraser is a diversely experienced and accomplished artistpreneur (artistic entrepreneur) who disseminates his work as a graphic designer and hip hop recording artist. Beyond the artistic talent and multiple aliases such as P.A.T., Powerful Artistic Truth, or PATMAN, Pat Fraser is dedicated to the empowerment of others. Pat runs an Internet marketing consultancy where he not only employs internet marketing tactics for his own brand, but for other small businesses as well. As a thought provocateur, Pat speaks on a wide range of topics having to do with any and everything having to do with content creation, internet marketing, entrepreneurship, creative professional development, music, black empowerment, socio-political analysis, philosophy and anything else Pat wants to wrap his mind around. No subject or topic is off the table. The PAT FRASER platform may contain explicit language, which may be offensive to some viewers and/or inappropriate for children. PAT FRASER produces content that is intended for mature audiences only, and will not be held responsible and/or liable for anything he says. So viewer and/or listener discretion is advised.